A Welcome Phase

The last couple of weeks have been calmer than usual. Why? Well, I am not completely sure but I am definitely enjoying it. (I can’t help but wonder in the back of my mind when will this all change? Until then…) CB has been more loving, agreeable, and seems a bit more “put together” than his usual self. The last few days, when I ask him to do something, he replies more times than not with “okay”, a really cute, quick, and subtle “o’kaaay”. He also chooses to sit in my lap when I read his chosen book(s) during bedtime and has even cuddled up close to me 2x when he comes to our bed during the middle of the night. He usually just keeps a leg on me or allows my arm to rest on him for about 20 seconds. His body seems a bit more regulated.

I can’t pinpoint if this welcome change is related to other changes in our lives or whether it is just coincidental. Some of the changes over the last few months have been CB, HB, and I swimming together on a weekly basis, CB upping his OT from 1x to 2x a week, his teachers providing yellow highlighted work to trace instead of needing to have hand-over-hand assistance each time he wrote, camping and more family around the last few weeks, and more regular play dates w/friends. Maybe developmentally, this is just a new phase he is in. This week, CB wrote his name completely by himself (not perfect, but 100% independent without a model, verbal direction, or tracing)! He was so proud of himself with his loud call of “Mommy, look what I did!” and his beautiful smile beaming across his face. He also started riding a bike with training wheels within the last 3 weeks. Weekly, he has initiated getting on the bike for a short ride down the street.

We still have meltdowns over small things but usually just 1-2 a day and are manageable. Redirection has been easier.

CB’s last day of school was yesterday. He has formed bonds with several of his classmates and I love how he is just one of the gang.

I hope this long summer break will be a time for CB to grow, play, develop/dabble with new skills to help make life easier for him, enjoy life, and make lasting memories!

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