Tag Archive: support groups

Support groups and progress

I headed off to meet up with a Childhood Apraxia of Speech Mom’s Meetup, our first. It was so affirming to talk with moms with kids who have somewhat similar challenges. It also felt so good to hear about their struggles and  triumphs. I’ve attended a couple of sensory processing disorder support meetings lately, as well. I think it has been deeply meaningful to reach out and connect with other parents.

Glowing Glances: Wow, it seems like so many positive things evolve around CB’s swim class. For today’s class, CB was attentive, responsive, and patient (for the most part). It was like, who is this child? He didn’t need to yell, splash, etc. He seemed quite comfortable just being and being there. A fellow classmate’s mom told me that she thought it was really good that CB is in her son’s class. She thinks CB’s fearlessness of the water helps her son.

Lousy Low: Accidentally, I served CB MSG. It was from a pickled veggies jar from a local farmer’s market. I know to watch out for the term ‘spices’ but I missed it. It turns out that MSG is listed on the spice packet they used. CB had an allergic reaction where his lower lip swelled up and turned purple. He also said his toes hurt and they turned red. We are not sure if it is the distilled vinegar although he has had pickles before, the MSG, or something else. It is very interesting how his body is now reacting to certain foods. We never saw this before starting the gluten-free casein-free diet. (UPDATE: The vendor of the pickled veggies called to clarify that he double-checked the spices they used and they do not contain MSG. The food that caused the allergic reaction is still a mystery.)